Welcome to my blog about conciving a girl or a boy

For newlywed couples, part of their discussions during their first night together would most likely be centered concerning the number of the children they would want to have, along with their genders. Normally, couples decide to have a boy as their first child as a way to look after to the younger siblings. On the contrary, some may find it an issue in case their children are all boys, and definitely the next time, they would want a girl. Certainly, selecting the desired gender of the child is simple nevertheless “how to have it” is certainly a different story.  That’s the reason why most couples find ways on how to conceive a girl naturally.

In Vitro Fertilization and Microsort are deemed as the two recommended medical approaches for conceiving a girl. However these days, some other researchers have developed a number of strategies proven to be effective for one to conceive a baby girl. Keep read to realize the ideas that you'll be able to consider relating to this subject.

To start with, it is important to bear in mind that diet plays a significant role in increasing the chances of conceiving a girl by natural means. Several scientists have found out that, as a way to raise the chances of having a baby girl, you must take in foods rich in calcium and avoid potassium and salt.

Having sex at the proper time is certainly the second group of tips concerning how to conceive a girl naturally. These rules have already been discovered by Dr. Shettles and, if they are followed correctly, you have between 75 and 80 % chances to have a baby girl. There's two essential factors that you must know in an effort to know these rules. To start with, for conceiving a girl by natural means, a female must get to the woman's egg first, prior to a male. Another necessary fact that any couple really should know is that the baby's gender is always figured out by the man's sperm (that contains an X and also a Y chromosome), and not by the woman's sperm (that contains a set of X chromosomes).     

Dr. Shettles concluded that couples will need to have intercourse as far away from the time you ovulate, nevertheless close enough for the sperm to outlive in case they're considering conceiving a girl naturally. It is because male sperm move faster as compared to the female sperm, nevertheless the latter live longer. Together with this in consideration, 3 to 4 days just before you ovulate is certainly the suggested period for having sex. Keeping an ovulation chart when monitoring the timing of intercourse is useful if only you don't ovulate earlier than usual and if you have a regular cycle.

There are other 2 tips to conceive a girl naturally that is given by Dr. Shettles. During sex, the guy must penetrate near to the vaginal entrance to decrease the likelihood of survival of the male sperms because this area is acidic. Lastly, a tip on how to conceive a girl naturally for ladies is that you should avoid orgasm during sexual intercourse. This is really because orgasm will cause the uterine to contract and produces substances which are conducive to the male sperm cells which will not help the female sperm cells at all.

How to conceive a girl diet

Two of the most famous scientists these days are Dr. J. Lorrain and Dr. J. Stolkwoski. One of their most noteworthy works is their research on how a couple can get pregnant of their desired gender by using natural techniques. Base on the files that they compiled on how to conceive a girl, diet seems to play an important role in the process. As of today, there are just two techniques that are recognized by most scientists when it comes to reliability - MicroSort and PGD with IVF. Nevertheless, there are some side effects from these techniques that cause them to be just like artificial ones.

 The two well-known medical professionals have discovered this dietary approach for preconceptional choice of fetal gender during the 1970’s. The technique is called as the "calcium and magnesium method" or "girl diet" where taking in specific foods to help conceive a girl. This diet to have a baby girl includes foods that are rich in calcium and magnesium, nevertheless are contain less salt and also potassium. That’s why Drs. Stolkowski and Lorrain called it that way.

 This diet may cause several health hazards because you will be consuming more calcium and lesser potassium. Adhering to the dietary plan will result to kidney complications and too much nervousness if not done correctly. Partners who want to do this "how to conceive a girl"diet must be cautious in going through the diet menu. This will ensure that nutritional deficiency is avoided. Understanding this, newlyweds must talk to a health care provider first prior to doing the diet plan. Women should go to their gynecologist in order to have their state monitored throughout the diet. The time when woman is doing the diet plan for conceiving a girl, her husband must show psychological assistance through also doing the diet plan for himself. Timing is very important in this technique. At least 6 weeks before the woman’s conception, the diet regime must start. They're obligated to carry on having this diet until they conceive. Once conception is proven, they can stop having this diet.

 Diet to conceive a girl is not great for women who have problems such as cardiac problems. Furthermore, 2-3 months is the maximum duration of this dietary method. Nevertheless, women must quit the diet if there is no conception happens right after that specific period of time.

 For those who intend to realize "how to conceive a girl" diet, dairy foods are one important foodstuffs to contemplate. Do not eat salted goods. There is no question that utilizing foods to conceive a girl is a really natural and safe method. However, it is essential to bear in mind that it will not boost the odds of conceiving a girl. This implies that this pre-pregnancy method is not 100% fail proof.

 Remember that foodstuffs for conceiving a girl are utilized as a preconception diet plan. This only implies that this dietary method can only affect the gender of the upcoming child if utilized before the conception happens. Whatever the sex of the infant will be, once the woman becomes pregnant, the diet plan must be stopped right away. These days, you can find a lot of women who are curious about what to eat to conceive a girl. Well, your daily meal must also include the following: peppers, carrots, whole-grain cereals plus onions among others.